61) Lockdown Diaries Week 1

Week one was about adjusting. It was filled with hot coffee as we watched the sunrise, novelty picnic dinners in the garden and cozy fires in the evening. We settled in, we got used to our new way of life. The fear faded almost instantly after lockdown was announced. Life went from millions of confusing…

57) Hedgehogs and Home

The fire is making it hard to write this, it’s crackling softly and lulling me into complete relaxation. Through half closed eyes I want to record this though, the next bit, the part that comes after the awful worry and the stress. This feeling. This seemed like such a far away, almost impossible, goal just…

56) Kidneys and Keys

We found out at the weekend that our current rental situation will be coming to an end soon and we will need to find a new place to live. Someone asked me this morning how the apartment hunt is going. I decided not to mention that I had just googled “can you sell your organs”…

49) Love Handles and Women’s Sandals

There’s a red dress in my wardrobe. It’s been there for years. It hasn’t moved from the wardrobe in years because it does not fit me. There, I said it. It barely fit me when I bought it if I’m being completely honest. My actual size was sold out so I told myself the age…

40) The inner workings of my mind on a day off…

The inner workings of my mind on a day off…… : I would love a coffee right know, hey look a butterfly, ok no it’s coffee time, maybe I’ll buy shoes today, coffee first then shoes, actually no I really don’t need new shoes, where should I get a coffee, oh look a shoe shop,…

34) Mount Kayak

So we have recently made the decision to stay in New Zealand permanently and become actual grown ups at last! That means it’s time to make some changes. One of these changes is our apartment, I no longer view it as a temporary stop over, it’s now a more permanent home in my mind so…

29) Catch up

Random stories over the last few weeks. I was in our bathroom earlier when I noticed a bug crawling along the floor, I quickly scooped him up in a piece of tissue paper and threw him in the toilet. I flushed him down the toilet but when the flushing stopped, all the tissue was gone…

23) Confessions of a Chocoholic

Me: Hi, I’m Sarah and I’m a chocoholic. Brain: Hi Sarah. Me: I am ready to admit I have a problem. I eat chocolate constantly, morning noon and night. I crave it, I fantasise about it, I need it. Brain: I see. And how do u feel about melted chocolate? Me: Oh I love it……

22) Tourist Time

Queenstown u sexy beast u! Ok boys and girls, it’s time to learn a little bit about one of my favourite places on earth. It was so nice and sunny yesterday so I decided to go for a long random walk. It was the first time I had done that in ages and it reminded…

21) Skinny Secrets

The wisdom tooth diet. Step 1 Eat loads of sweets and chocolate over a few days. (It helps if your boyfriend is a feeder and constantly buys you brownies and other treats even tho he knows you are trying to be healthy). Work hard, get the flu and get stressed easily until you are feeling…