56) Kidneys and Keys

We found out at the weekend that our current rental situation will be coming to an end soon and we will need to find a new place to live. Someone asked me this morning how the apartment hunt is going. I decided not to mention that I had just googled “can you sell your organs”…

53) A Lesson in Regrets

I can’t remember which medical professional made the comment. That’s a common theme lately, not remembering. I seem to have hit my head in the place where the short term memory receptors live. Anyway, it doesn’t matter who said it, the comment itself was what made me think. “I bet you regret that.” For those…

49) Love Handles and Women’s Sandals

There’s a red dress in my wardrobe. It’s been there for years. It hasn’t moved from the wardrobe in years because it does not fit me. There, I said it. It barely fit me when I bought it if I’m being completely honest. My actual size was sold out so I told myself the age…

46) I lied.

Yup I’m a liar. And let’s be honest: so are you. You know who the biggest liar of all is? Its Instagram. Followed closely, in my humble liar liar pants on fire opinion, by Facebook. So many people lately have been saying things like “oh wow you’re so lucky, ur life looks amazing, I wish…

42) Tears, weights and airports

Today I dropped my little sister off at the airport after she had come to visit me in NZ for 2 weeks. I absolutely hate goodbyes so decided to be really strict with myself and not get emotional. That lasted all of 3 seconds. After an emotional hug goodbye at the airport door I could…

40) The inner workings of my mind on a day off…

The inner workings of my mind on a day off…… : I would love a coffee right know, hey look a butterfly, ok no it’s coffee time, maybe I’ll buy shoes today, coffee first then shoes, actually no I really don’t need new shoes, where should I get a coffee, oh look a shoe shop,…

38) Helmet hair and buns of steel

Me: “So how soon until I can go running again?” Physiotherapist: “Not for at least a month.” Me: “……oh….ok.” Physiotherapist: “No seriously, I strongly recommend that you do not run with your knee in this condition.” Me: “Gotcha, no running, I understand.” Physiotherapist: “Ok good.” Uncomfortable pause…. Me: “A light jog perhaps?” Physiotherapist: “PROMISE ME…

36) Winter (not so) Wonderland

Yesterday morning the residents of Queenstown opened the curtains to discover the town covered in a blanket of snow, snowboarders and skiers delighted, tourists made snowmen and kids threw snowballs.   However for those of us who live in an apartment built for summer with no double glazing on the windows or insulation in the…

35) Red Bums and Black Eyebrows

I have recently returned from a holiday to Fiji so if you are ever thinking of visiting Fiji then here is my advice to you: 1) Definitely bring lots of Sun cream:    Gerry in the morning: babe I don’t think we need to be wearing factor 30 sunscreen, let’s just wear factor 15. Gerry…

32) Sausage Hands And Helicopters

I have travelled, I have lived in crowded hostels and cockroach infested apartments, I have driven the west coast of Australia and lived in a van for 3 weeks. All of these experiences led me to believe that a night of camping would be fantastic fun. Just me and Gerry, camping by the lake, drinking…